Monday, August 24, 2009

Faggotry spotted at screening of Easy Rider

We all know it never rains once in Easy Rider but it does in summertime in Florida, hence the bagger umbrellas to protect the investments and asses of the old fucks and their old ladies inside the Enzian theater. Billy and Captain America didn't need these for their choppers but today's ancient codger needs them to keep his asshole free of raindrops and his Steppenwolf CDs dry as a bone.
As it turns out it was pouring when the movie let out so no doubt after they waited for the rain to let up it must have been way past their cocoa and beddy bye time before they got home.
The spiky front fender scared the shit out of me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nothing has kicked my ass more than this paint job

Pardon the shitty cell phone pics but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It looks beautiful in the sun, pearl with tiny abalone flake below the belt, bigger shifty flake on top, silver stripe and scallops and if those French Kiss guys get off of their rumps I'll have them do the roof.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Warning!!!!!!!!

Do not let this POS get close to an English sportscar made by the Rootes Group.

Behind every cute souvenir lurks danger

Cheap tat