Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hugh Jarse Du Jour

The camera actually took some width off of this Hugh Jarse, it was truly immense, the size of a Smart Car.


Anonymous said...

I want more story time.

Nads said...

Well, if you estimate that the railing is 2.75" in diameter and her behiney is approximately 8 times that, it would make its diameter about 22", but because she's standing three feet behind the railing it's probably closer to 30", what the circumference of her gunt would be is something I can't calculate, we need a mathematician.
There is no story, just an anonymous picture.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a little tired of this stale sparetire shot. Get on with it already.

Nads said...

I'm bored up to my tits, nothing happens in my world.

LUCKY said...

How bout some pics of your stable of hot rods and scoots?

Guy@GK said...

You've lived there long enough. Aren't you inured to big asses by now?